Making sense of mental health through film. A few moments to watch, listen and experience inspirational stories to help us through our days.
It is important to express ourselves to bring our personal darkness into the spotlight. But how does creativity help our mental wellness? Experiencing any creative outlet, emotionally connects us to a journey. Breaking down our own journeys to share moments can inspire others and create more connected communities.
CREATING meaning, ideas, methods and interpretations to new paths of understanding.
INNOVATING to improve established patterns, plans, and procedures.
EXPERIENCING a new perspective for visualizing a turning point.
The following films were all created through Mental Healthy programs and events. They tell particular stories in constructive ways, not only helping the creator but by allowing the audience to relate in a way they never expected. It becomes their story too, and that can be a powerful thing.
If you have a film or a desire to tell your story, please contact us or consider coming along to one of our events.
Doing THIS! Helps THAT! focuses on people with lived mental health experience, telling their stories living with their darkness. Featuring creative tips and tricks to keep the "monsters" at bay.
Do you use any out of the box ways to help keep going? Let us know and maybe we can showcase your story next.
Have you been wondering when it is time to get help?
Check out our partner resources here…